Monday, July 7, 2008

Post Secret

I often visit "Post Secret". It's an interesting site posting new secrets each Sunday. I recently saw this one and know there are those that can identify.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Toothbrush

One night when it was taking a particularly long time for Ma to get her teeth brushed etc. I went into the bathroom to find her with a toothbrush in - well, I guess you would say a unique condition. She had blue painters tape wrapped around the bristles holding them up and some little brass clips holding the tape. Then I asked her what was up with the toothbrush, she explained that this was to keep the bristles standing upright. I told her that when the toothbrush is in the drawer there is no pressure on it to make the bristles spread apart, that it just happens when you brush your teeth. She said she knew that but this way at least they would be upright when she started.